The Two Mrs Robinsons - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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An engaging and heartfelt romantic comedy about the two women who love Oliver Robinson. One is his partner and the mother of his children - and so is... Lire la suite
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An engaging and heartfelt romantic comedy about the two women who love Oliver Robinson. One is his partner and the mother of his children - and so is the other!Anna lives with Oliver Robinson and their 3-year-old son Charlie. But Oliver is still married to his first wife Eve, mother of his two teenage children. Eve is a dominant figure who insists on making her presence felt; Anna is young and beautiful, with a bright future.
Each woman is weary of the other, insecure and jealous about the relationship Oliver has with the other. Petty squabbles about the division of Oliver's time and money drag on indefinitely until a terrible tragedy leaves both women shattered. Forced to pull together through their shared loss, can they put their differences aside to emerge from the adversity?


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Biographie de Donna Hay

Donna Hay's first novel, WAITING IN THE WINGS, won her the RNA New Writers' Award, and since then she has attracted praise from critics for KISS & TELL, SUCH A PERFECT SISTER, SOME KIND OF HERO, GOODBYE, RUBY TUESDAY and NO PLACE FOR A WOMAN. She writes regularly for TV Times and What's On TV magazine. She lives in York with her husband and daughter.

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