This is Your Song, Lola Rose - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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A delicious romantic comedy about a girl called Lola Rose whose life is turned on its head when she discovers the true identity of her father. Lola Rose... Lire la suite
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A delicious romantic comedy about a girl called Lola Rose whose life is turned on its head when she discovers the true identity of her father. Lola Rose Lambert's life changes on the day of her father's funeral. She isn't sorry that Eddie Lambert is dead - he was a bully who made her mother's life a misery. And Lola finds out why when a dark family secret is revealed. It turns out Eddie Lambert wasn't Lola's father at all.
Lola's father is none other than Rick Wild, guitarist with the mega rock group Poleaxe. Not only is her father very much alive, but he's also a big-haired, leather-wearing rock god. When Lola finally meets him, she discovers he's a typical rock star - spoilt and self-indulgent with the maturity of a hyperactive five-year-old. And then there's his dysfunctional family: son Jay, a roadie with a chip on his shoulder, and wild child Tiffany.
The arrival of Lola in their midst could be the making of them - or the death of her!


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Biographie de Donna Hay

Donna Hay's first novel, WAITING IN THE WINGS, won her the RNA New Writers' Award, and since then she has attracted praise from critics for KISS & TELL, SUCH A PERFECT SISTER, SOME KIND OF HERO, GOODBYE, RUBY TUESDAY and NO PLACE FOR A WOMAN. She writes regularly for TV Times and What's On TV magazine. She lives in York with her husband and daughter.

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