Some Kind of Hero - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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What do you do as a single parent when your kids don't want to share you with anyone else - except the person you least want? Single mother Tess is used... Lire la suite
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What do you do as a single parent when your kids don't want to share you with anyone else - except the person you least want? Single mother Tess is used to having to fight for her disabled son's rights, and is wary of getting too close to men. But Dan, at seventeen, is more independent than she realises, to the extent that he has taken it upon himself to bring his parents back together whether Tess wants it or not.
Meanwhile, to their Yorkshire town moves Jack, a widower with a mountain of baggage and a stroppy teenage daughter. In this sparkling novel Donna Hay tackles tough issues with warm-hearted comedy as she writes about love and families - and being some kind of hero...


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Biographie de Donna Hay

Donna Hay's first novel, WAITING IN THE WINGS, won her the RNA New Writers' Award, and since then she has attracted praise from critics for KISS & TELL, SUCH A PERFECT SISTER, SOME KIND OF HERO, GOODBYE, RUBY TUESDAY and NO PLACE FOR A WOMAN. She writes regularly for TV Times and What's On TV magazine. She lives in York with her husband and daughter.

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