Imagine It Forward - Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Beth Comstock


Tahl Raz

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Beth Comstock et Tahl Raz - Imagine It Forward - Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change.
Change is the only constant. Learn to be a change-maker. In Imagine It Forward, Beth Comstock, the former vice chair of GE, describes her twenty-five... Lire la suite
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Change is the only constant. Learn to be a change-maker. In Imagine It Forward, Beth Comstock, the former vice chair of GE, describes her twenty-five year efforts to be an instigator of change at every level of business. When she first moved from NBC to parent company GE in 1998, she was ignored as a woman in a man's world, treated as an outsider because she didn't have a business background, and ignored as a mere PR person.
But CEO Jeff Immelt realized even then that the industrial giant, like so many businesses, had to change fast in order to stay relevant in a world where Google, Facebook, and an explosion of internet companies were transforming how goods and services were marketed, made, and sold. In a deeply personal journey filled with practical takeaways from two plus decades of initiating change at the top levels of one of the largest corporations in the world, Comstock lays out the challenges, opportunities, tools, and practices needed to embrace change, whatever industry you are in, and make it part of every management decision.


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À propos des auteurs

BETH COMSTOCK's mission is to understand what's next, navigate change and help people and organizations do the same. She is the former Vice Chair of GE, where she led efforts to accelerate new growth and innovation, initiated GE's digital and clean-energy transformation, seeded new businesses and enhanced GE's brand value and inventive culture. As President of Integrated Media at NBC Universal, Beth oversaw TV ad revenue and new digital efforts, including the early development of
Written about and profiled extensively in the media, from the New York Times to Forbes, Fortune, and Fast Company, she is also on the Forbes list of the most powerful women in the world.

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