The CEO Next Door - The 4 Behaviours that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Elena Botelho


Kim Powell


Tahl Raz

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Elena Botelho et Kim Powell - The CEO Next Door - The 4 Behaviours that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders.
Winner of CMI Management Book of the Year 2019New York Times BestsellerWall Street Journal BestsellerEverything you thought you knew about becoming a... Lire la suite
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Winner of CMI Management Book of the Year 2019New York Times BestsellerWall Street Journal BestsellerEverything you thought you knew about becoming a CEO is wrong. You must graduate from an elite college or business school. In fact, only 7 percent of the CEOs of today's companies went to a top school--and 8 percent didn't graduate from college at all. Never put a foot wrong. In fact, people who have become CEOs have on average had five to seven career setbacks on their way to the top.
Drawing on the biggest dataset of CEOs in the world -- in-depth analysis of 2, 600 leaders, drawn from a database of 17, 000 CEOs, as well as 13, 000 hours of interviews -- The CEO Next Door is crammed full of myth-busting and counter-intuitive insights in what it really takes to get ahead. Discover the way actual CEOs of top companies think and behave, and the kind of traits to develop if you want to make your ambitions a reality and take your career right to the top.


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À propos des auteurs

ELENA L. BOTELHO has advised more than 200 CEOs and boards in nearly two decades, first as a strategy consultant at McKinsey and currently as a top-billing senior partner at ghSMART. She grew up in Azerbaijan and Russia in a family of mathematicians. She earned her MBA from Wharton. Her life's work is to be a "greatness catalyst, " helping others reach their full potential. KIMBERLY POWELL is a principal at ghSMART, where she works with clients in the areas of management assessment, leaderhsip coaching, and organization change initiatives.
Previously, she worked for fifteen years with the Boston Consulting Group, advising CEOs and senior managers of Fortune 500 companies. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Notre Dame, and was an F. C. Austin Scholar at the Kellogg Schoool of Management at Northwestern University.

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