Boiling Point - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Lester del Rey - Boiling Point.
In a moment he was through the cloud barrier and into the darkness. Earth was below the horizon today, but he saw Mars, clear and sharp against the backdrop... Lire la suite
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In a moment he was through the cloud barrier and into the darkness. Earth was below the horizon today, but he saw Mars, clear and sharp against the backdrop of space. They wouldn't have done a fool thing like this to him on Mars, he thought. They weren't shorthanded there. But here, on Venus, the stepchild of space, the U. N. appropriation was bestowed grudgingly, and the technical staff was no more than skin-deep.
Stasek scowled and thought of his unfinished work, and got even angrier.


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Biographie de Lester del Rey

Lester del Rey was one of the all-time greats of the science fiction field, acclaimed as both an author and an editor (he co-founded Del Rey Books with his wife, Judy-Lynn del Rey). Wildside Press is working to return all of his great science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories back into print.

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