Toddler Hunting and Other Stories - With an introduction by Sayaka Murata - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Taeko Kono


Sayaka Murata

Note moyenne 
An immeasurably influential female voice in post-war Japanese literature, Kono writes with a strange and disorienting beauty: her tales are marked by... Lire la suite
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An immeasurably influential female voice in post-war Japanese literature, Kono writes with a strange and disorienting beauty: her tales are marked by disquieting scenes, her characters all teetering on the brink of self-destruction. In the famous title story, the protagonist loathes young girls but compulsively buys expensive clothes for little boys so that she can watch them dress and undress. Taeko Kono's detached gaze at these events is transfixing: What are we hunting for? And why? Kono rarely gives the reader straightforward answers, rather reflecting, subverting and examining their expectations, both of what women are capable of, and of the narrative form itself.


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À propos des auteurs

Taeko Kono (1926 -2015) is one of the most important Japanese writers of the second half of the twentieth century. Oe Kenzaburo, Japan's Nobel Laureate, described her as the most "lucidly intelligent" woman writers writing in Japan, and the US critic and academic Masao Miyoshi identified her as among the most "critically alert and historically intelligent." US critic and academic Davinder Bhowmik assesses her as " of the truly original voices of the twentieth century, beyond questions of gender or even nationality."

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