The Illustrated Eric - E-book - Epub fixed layout

Edition en anglais

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Terry Pratchett's hilarious take on the Faust legend stars many of the Discworld's most popular characters. Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker.... Lire la suite
3,99 € E-book - Epub fixed layout
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Terry Pratchett's hilarious take on the Faust legend stars many of the Discworld's most popular characters. Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. The trouble is, he's not very good at it. All he wants is the usual three wishes: to be immortal, rule the world and have the most beautiful woman fall madly in love with him. The usual stuff. But what he gets is Rincewind, the Disc's most incompetent wizard, and Rincewind's Luggage (the world's most dangerous travel accessory) into the bargain.
The outcome is an outrageous adventure that will leave Eric wishing once more - this time, quite fervently - that he'd never been born.


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  • EAN
  • Format
    Epub fixed layout
  • Caractéristiques du format Epub fixed layout
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Sir Terry Pratchett The Amazing Maurice is the first animated feature film to be based on a Terry Pratchett novel. With more than 100 million books sold worldwide in 37 languages, Terry Pratchett was awarded an OBE in 1998 and knighted for services to literature in 2009. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents was the 28th book published in the Discworld® series of 41 books, and the first primarily written for a younger audience, winning the Carnegie Medal in 2001. .

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