En cours de chargement...
Every story has a beginning, a gestation period where everything takes time to manifest. Before Natro, Resna, and Xavor ruled the kingdom of Jacmuir they were ordinary college students navigating their senior year at Jacmuir University. Xavor watched cautiously as Natro won over the Jacmuir University student body with the promise of a legendary Homecoming costume party aimed to win Resna's heart.
Xavor reluctantly helps Natro with his party plans with the pretense of finding the perfect time to tell Resna he has feelings for her. He's not sure how Resna will react to his disclosure but he has to find out before Natro discovers their playful rivalry is actually a serious competition. At the costume party, Xavor is forced to confront a secret from his past that will change Resna's and Natro's perception of him and seal their bond as friends forever.