The Rising - The Newsflesh Trilogy - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Now, for the first time, Mira Grant's complete New York Times bestselling NEWSFLESH trilogy is available in a single volume."Alive or dead, the truth... Lire la suite
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Now, for the first time, Mira Grant's complete New York Times bestselling NEWSFLESH trilogy is available in a single volume."Alive or dead, the truth won't rest. My name is Georgia Mason, and I am begging you. Rise up while you can."The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beat the common cold. But in doing so we created something new, something terrible that no one could stop. The infection spread, virus blocks taking over bodies and minds with one, unstoppable command: FEED.
Now, twenty years after the Rising, Georgia and Shaun Mason are on the trail of the biggest story of their lives -the dark conspiracy behind the infected. The truth will out, even if it kills them.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
  • Nb. de pages
    1200 pages
  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
    • Pages
    • Protection num.
      Contenu protégé

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