The Infinity 2 - THE INFINITY, #2 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Rawad Yaghi

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 Rawad Yaghi - The Infinity 2 - THE INFINITY, #2.
The second chapter of "The Infinity" delves deeper into the mystery, unveiling a profound connection between the previous mask's owner and his brother,... Lire la suite
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The second chapter of "The Infinity" delves deeper into the mystery, unveiling a profound connection between the previous mask's owner and his brother, trapped within its confines. This revelation opens a new doorway, shedding light on the origin of the shadow's power and the enigmatic choice of the three brothers as embodiments of the God of Light. As the narrative unfolds, prepare to be captivated by the intricate tapestry of fate, where brotherly bonds intertwine with ancient prophecies, and the true nature of the shadow's power is unveiled.
Witness the brothers' transformation into champions of the God of Light, each wielding a unique mask and embodying a distinct aspect of their divine patron. Join Alexandre, our intrepid hero, as he navigates this labyrinthine world, unraveling the secrets of the past and confronting the formidable forces that threaten the delicate balance between light and darkness. Be prepared for thrilling twists, unexpected alliances, and heart-pounding confrontations as the battle for the fate of the Infinity World intensifies.


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Biographie de Rawad Yaghi

Rawad Yaghi, a young Syrian artist and writer, is currently pursuing his studies at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the National Private University. His passion for storytelling and visual arts is evident in his acclaimed comic book series, "THE INFINITY."Rawad's captivating illustrations and engaging narratives transport readers to a world of epic battles, ancient mysteries, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
His talent and dedication make him a rising star in the world of comics, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and creative spirit of Syria.

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