En cours de chargement...
What if Buffy and Lemmy had Kevin Smith's love child?Tom's been captured, the last desperate act of the Zombie King to fuck with Dave's world. There's a chance, though it's as slim as the neck on one of those fruity Hohner headless basses, that Tom's in the Spirit Plane. Given that he's got no better ideas, Dave's taking the plunge, aided and abetted by Edward, Lillith and Darren. But whilst Dave meets his first succubus, loses a bit of his soul (but not like that), meets his first troll (less exciting than the succubus), goes clubbing and finds some weird, fish/squirrel mutant monster thing, the Blood King has other ideas.
He's winding up for some serious smack down and, unless something very strange happens, Dave's in line for the first punch.What begins as a search for a grumpy bastard singer, soon becomes a fight for their lives, accompanied by the never ending soundtrack of bad accapella and more magic than you can shake a stick at. And a succubus. Click 'Buy Now' to enter the Spirit Plane with Dave, meet the succubus and...
actually, who cares what happens once you've met the succubus, just press the damned button.