Feedback - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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'A whip-smart thriller overflowing with sharp ideas and social commentary' - KirkusFeedback is a full-length Newsflesh novel which overlaps the events... Lire la suite
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'A whip-smart thriller overflowing with sharp ideas and social commentary' - KirkusFeedback is a full-length Newsflesh novel which overlaps the events of the New York Times bestselling novel Feed. It reveals for the first time what happened from the perspective of reporters covering the Democrats' campaign. There are two sides to every story... The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beat the common cold.
But in doing so we unleashed something horrifying and unstoppable. The infection spread leaving those afflicted with a single uncontrollable impulse: FEED. Now, twenty years after the Rising, a team of scrappy underdog reporters relentlessly pursue the truth while competing against the superstar Masons, surrounded by the infected, and facing more insidious forces working in the shadows. Previous Newsflesh Novels:FEEDDEADLINEBLACKOUT


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Biographie de Mira Grant

Mira Grant lives in California, sleeps with a machete under her bed and highly suggests you do the same. Mira Grant is the open pseudonym of Seanan McGuire, a successful fantasy writer and the winner of the 2010 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

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