The Ecstatic Bible

Edition en anglais

Note moyenne 
Howard Barker - The Ecstatic Bible.
Parables without morality and a testament to the millennium, The Ecstatic Bible sweeps through a landscape shaped by the European political and social... Lire la suite
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Expédié sous 4 à 8 semaines
Livré chez vous entre le 11 octobre et le 9 novembre
En librairie


Parables without morality and a testament to the millennium, The Ecstatic Bible sweeps through a landscape shaped by the European political and social turmoil of the twentieth century. A series of interlocking narratives charts a strange world inhabited by amoral but passionate characters. Provocative imagery and poetic language are suffused with a rich, dark humour.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    332 pages
  • Poids
    0.49 Kg
  • Dimensions
    14,0 cm × 22,0 cm × 3,2 cm

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À propos de l'auteur

Biographie de Howard Barker

Howard Barker is an internationally renowned dramatist, whose first plays were performed at the Royal Court and by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Since 1992 his work has been presented by his own company The Wrestling School. Barker's theatre is characterized by its poetic, non-naturalistic form and inhabits worlds of contradiction, suffering and sexual passion. Barker is also a poet and theorist of theatre, whose " Theatre of Catastrophe " defines a new form of tragedy for our times.

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