Une pure merveille !
Un roman d'une grande beauté, drôle, fin, extrêmement lumineux sur des sujets difficiles : la perte de
l'être aimé, la dureté de la vie et la tristesse qu'on barricade parfois... Elise franco-japonaise,
orpheline de sa maman veut poser LA question à son père et elle en trouvera le courage au fil des pages,
grâce au retour de sa grand-mère du japon, de sa rencontre avec son extravagante amie Stella..
Ensemble il ne diront plus Sayonara mais Mata Ne !
Jefferson and Nature is the first comprehensive study to take Jefferson completely at his word-his favorite word. Nature-the term and the many ideas associated...
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Livré chez vous entre le 28 septembre et le 12 octobre
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Jefferson and Nature is the first comprehensive study to take Jefferson completely at his word-his favorite word. Nature-the term and the many ideas associated with it-pervades Jefferson's life and writings. It sets hem apart from his colleagues in the American Enlightenment and provides the distinctive gateway to his thought and action. By no means consistent and at tunes apparently opportunistic in his use of the term, Jefferson nevertheless draws nearly every realm of life back to this essential word and idea. Charles Miller's book tells why this is so.
Charles A. Miller is professor of politics at Lake Forest College. He is the author of The Supreme Court and the Uses of History, A Catawba Assembly, and Isn't That Lewis Carroll ?
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