Franchising - The key to rapid business growth - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

Manzoor G. K. Ishani

Bernard Ingham


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Manzoor G. K. Ishani - Franchising - The key to rapid business growth.
Franchising : The Key to Rapid Business Growth is essential reading for anyone hoping to expand a business through business format franchising, or to... Lire la suite
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Franchising : The Key to Rapid Business Growth is essential reading for anyone hoping to expand a business through business format franchising, or to inject life into an existing franchise. Regardless of your level of experience, this book will help you with every aspect of franchising : calculating costs, finding franchisees, addressing legal issues, avoiding pitfalls, expanding overseas and more.
The inclusion of some template franchise agreements is an added bonus. Franchising demands forethought and hard work, but the rewards, if the franchisor is prepared and determined, can be phenomenal.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
    The Choir Press
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    568 pages
  • Poids
    0.875 Kg
  • Dimensions
    15,3 cm × 22,8 cm × 3,2 cm

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Biographie de Manzoor G. K. Ishani

Manzoor G K Ishani has more than 40 years' experience in UK and international franchising law, having advised a range of companies from small businesses to FTSE 100 companies. He has lectured extensively on the subject for various institutions around the world. In this book, he uses his immense experience to present a clear picture of what franchising is, how it works and the many points a prospective franchisor will need to consider.

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