The Inquisitive Butcher of Nice: A French Murder Mystery - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 James Holding - The Inquisitive Butcher of Nice: A French Murder Mystery.
At 7:10 Martin came clattering up the stairs from the butcher shop three at a time. His knock on M. Beauregard's door had none of its usual apologetic... Lire la suite
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At 7:10 Martin came clattering up the stairs from the butcher shop three at a time. His knock on M. Beauregard's door had none of its usual apologetic politeness. He thundered on the panel with both hands. At the same time, he called in a loud voice through the door. "M. Beauregard! Awake! Instantly! Come quickly to the shop! There is a dead man in our display case, lying on the cold cuts!"


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      pas de protection

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