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Nightmares of the Superpowered: Tales of Horror and Heroism is a thrilling collection of short stories that explores the dark side of having superpowers. From the depths of the human psyche to the realms of the supernatural, these stories showcase the horrors that can come with great power. In these pages, you'll meet heroes who are haunted by their own nightmares, and villains who are driven to madness by their thirst for power.
You'll witness the gruesome consequences of using superpowers for personal gain, and the terrifying consequences of losing control. With each story, Nightmares of the Superpowered will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to see what horrors await. Whether you're a fan of horror, superhero stories, or just great storytelling, this collection is sure to leave an indelible mark on your imagination.
So why not join us on this thrilling journey into the dark side of heroism? The nightmares are waiting...