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"How To Handle a Marriage Breakup" is a comprehensive and supportive guide designed to accompany individuals on a transformative journey through the aftermath of a marriage breakup. This unique ebook offers not only daily affirmations tailored to the challenges of healing but also includes insightful descriptive text on each page. There are three ebooks to the series with over 60 different daily affirmations and descriptive texts in each ebook.
The three ebooks give a collection of over 180 different daily affirmations and descriptive texts Each ebook has a carefully curated collection of marriage breakup affirmations that address various aspects of the breakup process. Each affirmation is accompanied by descriptive text that provides context, guidance, and additional insights, creating a deeply enriching reading experience. This powerful combination of daily breakup affirmations and descriptive passages encourages profound self-reflection, growth, and empowerment.
"How To Handle a Marriage Breakup" is an indispensable resource for those seeking a comprehensive tool to aid in their motivational affirmations for a marriage breakup healing journey, providing daily support, inspiration, and a pathway to renewed self-discovery and emotional well-being.