Deer Man - Seven Years in the Forest - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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The astonishing, true account of one man's quest to immerse himself in nature and live with wild deer for seven years.'Haunting, remarkable and ultimately... Lire la suite
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The astonishing, true account of one man's quest to immerse himself in nature and live with wild deer for seven years.'Haunting, remarkable and ultimately very moving' Sunday Times'A story of extraordinary power and tenderness' Charles Foster'A startling portrait of an animal that is both familiar to us and yet shockingly misunderstood' GuardianGeoffroy Delorme never felt he fitted into the human world.
He would often disappear into the woods, drawn to the rhythms of animal life and away from the rules of a society he did not understand. One night, an encounter with a deer changed his life: from then on, he knew he wanted to live among them. In Deer Man, Delorme describes becoming a creature of the forest, working to blend in with the deer and witnessing their births and deaths, loves and battles, ostracism and friendship.
In his seventh year in the forest, Delorme meets a woman walking through the trees. He knows he can stay in the forest and die with his friends - or he can leave, and speak their truth to a human world that desperately needs to hear it.


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À propos des auteurs

Geoffroy Delorme is a naturalist and photographer. Deer Man, a bestseller in France, has been translated into eleven languages. He lives in Normandy.

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