A Rat for a Friend - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Richard Wilson

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 Richard Wilson - A Rat for a Friend.
I made a new friend after the world ended. About my friend. He's a rat. Literally a rodent. Long-tailed, heavy-bodied. He terrified me at first but now... Lire la suite
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I made a new friend after the world ended. About my friend. He's a rat. Literally a rodent. Long-tailed, heavy-bodied. He terrified me at first but now we have an arrangement. I feed him what I can; he brings me what he can. That's what you have to do these days.


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Biographie de Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson (1920 - 29) was an American science fiction writer and fan. He was a member of the Futurians, the fan group from which such writers as Isaac Asimov, Frederik Pohl, and C. M. Kornbluth emerged. Wilson's books included the novels The Girls from Planet 5 (1955); 30-Day Wonder (1960); and And Then the Town Took Off (1960); and the collections Those Idiots from Earth (1957) and Time Out for Tomorrow (1962).
His short stories included "The Eight Billion" (nominated for a Nebula Award as Best Short Story in 1965); "Mother to the World" (nominated for the Hugo for Best Novelette in 1969 and winner of the Nebula in 1968); and "The Story Writer" (nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novella in 1979).

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