Une pure merveille !
Un roman d'une grande beauté, drôle, fin, extrêmement lumineux sur des sujets difficiles : la perte de
l'être aimé, la dureté de la vie et la tristesse qu'on barricade parfois... Elise franco-japonaise,
orpheline de sa maman veut poser LA question à son père et elle en trouvera le courage au fil des pages,
grâce au retour de sa grand-mère du japon, de sa rencontre avec son extravagante amie Stella..
Ensemble il ne diront plus Sayonara mais Mata Ne !
Greyish, the little sparrow, is flying to the city. His goal? Against all odds, delivering his friends, prisoners of Mr Rosetree, the birdcatcher: George,...
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Livré chez vous entre le 24 septembre et le 1 octobre
En librairie
Greyish, the little sparrow, is flying to the city. His goal? Against all odds, delivering his friends, prisoners of Mr Rosetree, the birdcatcher: George, the multicoloured parakeet, Albert the guinea-pig, Dorothy the tortoise. He succeeds, despite many ups and downs, in leading his fellows to the Big Forest. They enjoy a well deserved rest, when a horde of rats led by Eilasor, a powerful and ferocious sorcerer, invades the place, putting lire and shedding blood everywhere. Will a magie stone, "The Dreamy Stone", robbed in the elf village nearby be the solution to save our friends from the disaster? This animal fantasy book close to Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Wi/lows, Robert C. O'Brien's Airs Frisby and the Rats of Nirnh, or Brian Jacques's Redirai/ saga will delight 10 years old readers and... beyond!
What the papers say...
"The adventures are the kind that make children's eyes sparkle." (The Connexion)