A Practical Approach to Project Management - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Albert Garriga - A Practical Approach to Project Management.
Do you find usual project management guides too theoretical?Do you find it difficult to apply theory to real projects? YES. You will like this book!!!... Lire la suite
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Do you find usual project management guides too theoretical?Do you find it difficult to apply theory to real projects? YES. You will like this book!!! This is not a typical book about project management theory; it is a practical and direct approach to project management in the context of small and medium-sized projects. it includes editable templates.


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À propos de l'auteur

Biographie de Albert Garriga

Industrial Engineer by Universidad Politecnica de CatalunyaDiploma in Business Administration from Universidad Oberta de CatalunyaMaster in Project Management by la Salle BES. PMP certified. Several years of experience in engineering and project management positions in international companies which has allowed me to work in different types of projects, in different countries, and with a wide variety of clients and suppliers.
For some time now, I have been combining my work as a project manager with the creation and management of the websites with the purpose of helping other colleagues by sharing my experience and training.https://www. Resourcesenprojectmanagement.com/https://www.forprojectmanagers.comLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albertgarrigarodriguez/

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