Windows Mobile Data Synchronization with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Compact 3.1

Edition en anglais

Rob Tiffany

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Rob Tiffany - Windows Mobile Data Synchronization with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Compact 3.1.
With the world's largest organizations rolling out tens of thousands of Windows Mobile devices to empower their respective workforces, the ability to... Lire la suite
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With the world's largest organizations rolling out tens of thousands of Windows Mobile devices to empower their respective workforces, the ability to create mobile fine of business solutions that can support large user populations is critical. In his third book on mobile development, Rob Tiffany shows you how to take the SQL Server data you use to run your organization and make it available to all your mobile employees. He walks you step-by-step through the process of building a secure, performant, 4-tier mobile synchronization architecture designed to scale to thousands of users. You're also learn how to create occasionally-connected Windows Mobile applications that are designed to thrive in unreliable wireless conditions. Take the guesswork out of mobilizing your organization by tapping into the experience of one of the world's foremost authorities on Windows Mobile infrastructure and development. You will: Learn how to "Mobilize" your organization by making your enterprise data available to employees carrying Windows Mobile devices in the field. Learn how to build a 4-Tier Mobile Merge Replication architecture that will scale to thousands of users. Learn how to create occasionally-connected Windows Mobile applications designed to thrive in unreliable wireless conditions. Learn the best practices in security, reliability, performance and hardware configuration from the author's years of replication experience. Learn how to implement this technology in real world scenarios like supply chain management, retail, sales force automation, healthcare and emergency management.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
    Hood Canal Press
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    200 pages
  • Poids
    0.35 Kg
  • Dimensions
    15,0 cm × 23,0 cm × 1,0 cm

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Biographie de Rob Tiffany

Rob Tiffany is a Senior Technical Product Manager for Windows Mobile at Microsoft where he focuses on growing and nurturing the mobile developer ecosystem. He's the creator of Microsoft's Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator, the author of "SQL Server CE Database Development with the .NET Compact Framework" and "Pocket PC Database Development with eMbedded Visual Basic," plus dozens of articles found in leading software development publications. Rob blogs at

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