The Story of Perfume - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

Note moyenne 
From the scented oils of ancient times to today's colossal cosmetics industry, the story of perfume is complex and captivating. Light, floral, woody,... Lire la suite
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From the scented oils of ancient times to today's colossal cosmetics industry, the story of perfume is complex and captivating. Light, floral, woody, exotic or heady, perfumes enrich our lives, acting in turn as a form of expression, a precious ally for self-care or a weapon of seduction. Historian and perfume specialist Elisabeth de Feydeau illuminates the historic craft of perfume-making and explores the connections made along the 'perfume routé .What parts of the world do differentscents come from ? How did perfume evolve from being the preserve of the gods, to a medicinal product to a precious luxury ? Who were the first great perfumers and what role has the fashion industry played in shaping the history of perfume ? How do you become a successful 'nose'? Which perfume bottles are most coveted by collectors ? And what stories lie behind iconic fragrances such as Chanel N°5 and CK One ? Lavishly illustrated with archival documents and beautiful imagery from the most sought-after perfumeries, The Story of Perfume will transport you into a rich and mesmerizing world.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    155 pages
  • Poids
    1.055 Kg
  • Dimensions
    23,5 cm × 29,0 cm × 1,5 cm
  • EAN
  • ISBN

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