The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

Note moyenne 
This is Christopher's murder mystery story. There are no lies in this story because Christopher can't tell lies. Christopher does not like strangers or... Lire la suite
14,80 € Neuf
  • Grand format
    • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
      Edition en anglais
      Paru le : 01/01/2012
      Expédié sous 2 à 4 semaines
      14,80 €
  • Ebook
    • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
      Edition en anglais
      Paru le : 02/08/2012
      Téléchargement immédiat
      8,99 €
    • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
      Edition en anglais
      Paru le : 26/01/2010
      Téléchargement immédiat
      8,99 €
Expédié sous 2 à 4 semaines
Livré chez vous entre le 26 octobre et le 13 novembre
En librairie


This is Christopher's murder mystery story. There are no lies in this story because Christopher can't tell lies. Christopher does not like strangers or the colours yellow or brown or being touched. On the other hand, he knows all the countries in the world and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7507. When Christopher decides to find out who killed the neighbour's dog, his mystery story becomes more complicated than he could ever have predicted.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Collection
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    271 pages
  • Poids
    0.2 Kg
  • Dimensions
    13,0 cm × 19,0 cm × 1,7 cm

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14,80 €