Private lives and public responses

Reuben Ford


Jane Millar

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Reuben Ford et Jane Millar - Private lives and public responses.
The Rise In Lone Parenthood bas been one of the most striking demographic and social trends of the last 25 years. In Private Lives and Public Responses,... Lire la suite
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The Rise In Lone Parenthood bas been one of the most striking demographic and social trends of the last 25 years. In Private Lives and Public Responses, the reading experts on the subject assess the social and fiscal policy dilemmas posed by the unprecedented growth in levels of lone parenthood in the UK. The book begins with an assessment of current policy and an analysis of the reality of life for the 4.6 million adults and children living in lone-parent families today. It looks at society's attitudes towards them and the perceived 'negative' and 'positive' aspects of lone parenthood; sets the current trends in a historical perspective; identifies the similarities and differences between 'solo' and 'separated' parents; analyses the dynamics for family change; and much more. The contributors examine the key policy issues surrounding lone parenthood, including its impact on access to education and employment prospects; childcare, income, debt and the role of Family Credit; and the effects of the Child Support Act. The last chapter of the book presents clear recommendations for future policy development. Private Lives and Public Responses draws on a large body of research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Department of Social Security, the Economic and Social Research Council and others to provide an invaluable guide to the debates surrounding policy towards lone parents. It will prove essential reading for students, for researchers and academics interested in family trends, and for all policymakers involved in these issues.


    • Lone Parenthood in the UK: Policy Dilemmas and Solutions
    • One-parent Families and their Dependent Children in Great Britain
    • Choosing Lone Parenthood? The Dynamics of Family Change
    • Lone Mothers on Income Support in Northern Ireland: Some Preliminary Findings
    • The 'Big'Picture: Quality in the Lives of Lone Parents
    • Marital Dissolution and Income Change: Evidence for Britain
    • Small Fortunes: Spending on Children in Lone-parent Families
    • The Problem of Lone Motherhood in the British Context
    • International Comparisons of Support for Lone Parents
    • Lone Mothers' Earnings
    • Lone Parents on the Margins of Work
    • Lone Mothers' Decisions Whether or Not to Work: Childcare in the Balance
    • The Origins of Child Support in Britain and the Case for a Strong Child Support System
    • Supporting Children? The Impact of the Child Support Act on Lone Mothers and Children
    • Lone Parenthood and Future Policy


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
    Policy Studies Institute
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    273 pages
  • Poids
    0.48 Kg
  • Dimensions
    15,3 cm × 23,3 cm × 1,8 cm

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