Une pure merveille !
Un roman d'une grande beauté, drôle, fin, extrêmement lumineux sur des sujets difficiles : la perte de
l'être aimé, la dureté de la vie et la tristesse qu'on barricade parfois... Elise franco-japonaise,
orpheline de sa maman veut poser LA question à son père et elle en trouvera le courage au fil des pages,
grâce au retour de sa grand-mère du japon, de sa rencontre avec son extravagante amie Stella..
Ensemble il ne diront plus Sayonara mais Mata Ne !
The second edition of Modem Infectious Disease Epidemiology, in line with changing health concerns, is a thorough revision of the first. Written from...
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The second edition of Modem Infectious Disease Epidemiology, in line with changing health concerns, is a thorough revision of the first. Written from an infections disease perspective throughout, the book aims to teach epidemiology to those with a background in this field. It seeks to fill the gap between the standard textbooks of epidemiology, which rarely approach the subject from an infections disease perspective, and standard books on infection surveillance and control, which tend to slant more towards microbiology and practical measures than towards analytical epidemiology. Divided into two parts, the first covers the tools of epidemiology much like other textbooks, but always from an infections disease perspective. The second covers the rote of contact pattern from an assessment angle, and uses the tools learnt to illustrate the study of fundamental infections disease concepts, such as infectivity, incubation periods, seroepidemiology and immunity. This detailed theoretical epidemiology textbook is clearly set out, with an expanded chapter on practical statistical methods, and a new chapter on descriptive epidemiology. Key features include new clinical examples and infections disease problems of recent interest, such as tuberculosis and vCJD. All students of epidemiology, infections disease medicine and microbiology will fend this an invaluable guide.
What is special about infections disease epidemiology? Definitions
Descriptive epidemiology
Risk, relative risk and attack rate
The case-control study: odds, odds ratios the concept of confounding
The cohort study: rates - the concept of bias
Some statistical procedures that are often used in epidemiology