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Modem Epidemiology returns in this thoroughly revised and updated Third Edition. This popular textbook describes the conceptual underpinnings of the rapidly evolving science of epidemiology, addressing the methodologic issues crucial to the wide range of epidemiologic applications in public health and medicine. Coauthored by three leading epidemiologists, with contributions from sixteen experts in a variety of epidemiologic subdisciplines, this new edition is by far the most comprehensive and cohesive text on the principles and methods of epidemiologic research.
Modern Epidemiology covers a broad range of concepts and methods, including epidemiologic measures of occurrence and effect, study designs, validity, precision, statistical inference, and causal diagrams. Topics in data analysis range from basic tabular analyses to stratified analysis, multiple comparisons, Bayesian analysis, sensitivity analysis, and bias analysis, with an extensive overview of modern regression methods including logistic and survival regression, splines, hierarchical (multilevel) regression, propensity scores and other scoring methods, and g-estimation.
Special-topics chapters cover disease surveillance, instrument design, use of secondary data, ecologic studies, social epidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, genetic and molecular epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, and meta-analysis. The chapters on causal diagrams, Bayesian analysis, bias analysis, social epidemiology, and use of secondary data are new to the third edition.