Fleeing Cambodia - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

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Sean Keo Vong - Fleeing Cambodia.
I wrote this book as a testimony based on my experience so that the future generations learn that it is through sheer will that our family succeeded in... Lire la suite
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I wrote this book as a testimony based on my experience so that the future generations learn that it is through sheer will that our family succeeded in reaching this country of freedom, equality and prosperity : France. Especially now that my dear husband Sully Keo Vong has passed away. In memory of all those who helped us during our journey across the three countries, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, I hereby express all my gratitude. Their precious help boosted our strength to overcome unimaginable horrors. May the death of the combatants, in particular the Air Force pilots, and all the innocent Khmer people serves as a lesson for the future generations !


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    213 pages
  • Poids
    0.348 Kg
  • Dimensions
    16,0 cm × 24,0 cm × 1,6 cm
  • EAN
  • ISBN

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