Une pure merveille !
Un roman d'une grande beauté, drôle, fin, extrêmement lumineux sur des sujets difficiles : la perte de
l'être aimé, la dureté de la vie et la tristesse qu'on barricade parfois... Elise franco-japonaise,
orpheline de sa maman veut poser LA question à son père et elle en trouvera le courage au fil des pages,
grâce au retour de sa grand-mère du japon, de sa rencontre avec son extravagante amie Stella..
Ensemble il ne diront plus Sayonara mais Mata Ne !
This book provides a self-contained and authoritative introduction to the mathematical theory of homogenization, which describes the replacement of a...
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Livré chez vous entre le 16 octobre et le 22 octobre
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This book provides a self-contained and authoritative introduction to the mathematical theory of homogenization, which describes the replacement of a real composite material by a fictitious homogeneous one. This topic is especially important now that composite materials are widely used in industry: well-known examples are the superconducting multi-filamentary composites which are used in the composition of optical fibres. The aim of the theory is to describe the macroscopic properties of the composite by taking into account the properties of the microscopic structure. The first four chapters cover variational methods for partial differential
equations, which is the natural framework of homogenization theory. The text then discusses the homogenization of several kinds of second-order boundary value problems. Particular attention is given to the classical examples of the steady and non-steady heat equations, the wave equation and the linearized system of elasticity. All topics are illustrated by figures and numerous examples. The authors are leading experts in the field and highly regarded as expositors. This book has grown out of their extensive experience of teaching the subject, and is an ideal textbook for a graduate course.
Weak and weak* convergences in Banach spaces
Rapidly oscillating periodic functions
Some classes of Sobolev spaces
Some variational elliptic problems
Examples of periodic composite materials
Homogenization of elliptic equations: the convergence result