Your Worshipfulness, Princess Leia, Starring Carrie Fisher - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

lori Perkins


Jeff Ryan

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 lori Perkins et  Jeff Ryan - Your Worshipfulness, Princess Leia, Starring Carrie Fisher.
YOUR WORSHIPFULNESS is the story of how a teenage Carrie Fisher created Star Wars's greatest character, Princess Leia. Leia began as little more than... Lire la suite
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YOUR WORSHIPFULNESS is the story of how a teenage Carrie Fisher created Star Wars's greatest character, Princess Leia. Leia began as little more than a damsel in distress, albeit one with cinema's most iconic hairstyle. Over three films, Carrie made her a complicated character, beloved the world over. Then Darth Vader died, the Ewoks danced, the credits rolled, and that was that. Carrie now had the rest of her life to live, stuck in Leia's shadow.
What do you after the whole world has seen you duct-taped into a metal bikini? Worse, what can you do when the secrets you've tried to hide about your inner life won't stay hidden? When you can't control the thoughts in your head? YOUR WORSHIPFULNESS has everything: money, sex, love, power, and romance. It's a story of addiction and mental illness, of recovery and fame, of friendship and motherhood, trying to be your best when you can only remember the worst.


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