Three Months In Undead Shoes - The Pandora Strain: Zombie Road - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Dee J. Holmes - Three Months In Undead Shoes - The Pandora Strain: Zombie Road.
Forced apart. Hunted by unseen danger. The only way to survive is together. After a harrowing journey through infected territory, Jane Finch, her loyal... Lire la suite
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Forced apart. Hunted by unseen danger. The only way to survive is together. After a harrowing journey through infected territory, Jane Finch, her loyal Great Dane, and her equally protective almost-zombie Grey have reached the military base in the mountains. It's supposed to be safe. But the last thing they can do is drop their guard. Surrounded by soldiers, reeling from her first kiss with Grey and the news that he has a wife, Jane is separated from Grey.
The loss leaves her aching. Then she's thrust into a tenuous role of 'behavioral investigator' for the base. When she uncovers a shocking truth, she's desperate to reach Grey. Kept in chains and subject to constant tests, Grey is torn between reclaiming his life as Commander Jack Hale and embracing his altered state. The base's expert doctor and the woman claiming to be Jack's wife insist that he needs to focus on training soldiers and leave Jane behind.
But those same people are keeping deadly secrets-including feral zombies in cages. Grey is told that Jane makes him feral. But his altered instincts are convinced he belongs with her-and that she's in terrible danger. And he's right. There's a hidden enemy in the base, a traitor plotting to destroy all the survivors. If being feral means he can save his pack, does he even want to be human?**This is the thrilling conclusion to The Pandora Strain: Zombie Road trilogy.
Inside you'll find unusual zombies, devious plots, unexpected twists, and utterly devoted dogs.**


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