Thin Places - Three gripping tales of subtle horror and dark fantasy by a master storyteller - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Come and visit a world of subtle horror and dark fantasy by master of creeping horror Tom Fletcher, a world in which insidious forces permeate the folds... Lire la suite
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Come and visit a world of subtle horror and dark fantasy by master of creeping horror Tom Fletcher, a world in which insidious forces permeate the folds of reality, twisting it one strand at a time. This omnibus includes the novels The Leaping, The Thing on the Shore and The Ravenglass Eye, with a bonus chapter from Tom's new fantasy series, The Factory Trilogy, included. THE LEAPING: Jack finished university three years ago, but he's still stuck in a dead-end job in a sinister call-centre in Manchester.
When the beautiful(and rich) Jennifer comes into his life, he thinks he has finally found his ticket out of there. Trouble is that his boss is interested in Jennifer as well, and there's something strangely bestial about him .


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Biographie de Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher is a writer of horror and dark fantasy novels and short fiction. His first three horror novels, The Leaping, The Thing on the Shore and The Ravenglass Eye, were followed by Gleam and Idle Hands, the first two books in The Factory Trilogy, his first fantasy series. His new novel, Witch-Bottle, is a deeply atmospheric modern gothic tale of grief and guilt. He lives in a remote village in Cumbria with his wife and family.

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