The Ugly Duckling - Hopscotch Fairy Tales - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Mother Duck is impatient for her eggs to hatch. When they do she's very excited! But one of the ducklings looks very different ... Hopscotch Fairy Tales... Lire la suite
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Mother Duck is impatient for her eggs to hatch. When they do she's very excited! But one of the ducklings looks very different ... Hopscotch Fairy Tales retell classic fairy tales in accessible language of no more than 400 words, with bright colourful supporting illustrations by our top authors and illustrators.


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À propos des auteurs

Anne Walter is a freelance children's book writer with a passion for fairy tale and fantasy stories. She has retold many famous fairy tales for reluctant readers, including a set of Hopscotch Fairy Tales. She lives and works in London. Sarah grew up in Derbyshire, mainly under a snow drift. She spent much of her childhood scampering in the nearby fields with a few goats. Then she decided to be sensible and studied Illustration at Falmouth College of Arts, graduating in 2001.
She has illustrated for many different projects including an ad campaign for Kew Gardens entitled 'Plantastic Play'. She has also undertaken commission from The Guardian and The Independent newspapers. Sarah now specialises in funny, inky illustration and words for children's fiction and picture books. Sarah likes to paint on very big canvas. She loves funny detail, colour, music, dreams and big open spaces.
Sarah now works from a studio on a hill in Forest Hill, London.

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