The Torrents of Spring - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Ernest Hemingway - The Torrents of Spring.
Step into the literary whirlwind of "The Torrents of Spring, " a satirical gem that dances with wit and irreverence. Ernest Hemingway, the master of modern... Lire la suite
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Step into the literary whirlwind of "The Torrents of Spring, " a satirical gem that dances with wit and irreverence. Ernest Hemingway, the master of modern prose, unveils a lesser-known tale that brims with laughter and biting social commentary. Meet Yogi Johnson, an aspiring writer yearning to make his mark on the literary world. Set against the backdrop of the fictional town of Hortons Bay, Michigan, Hemingway weaves a hilarious and absurd narrative that skewers the pompousness and commercial obsession of the literary elite. In this delightful romp, Hemingway's razor-sharp dialogue crackles with wit, transporting readers to an era where ambition, love, and artistic success collide.
Follow Yogi Johnson's tumultuous journey as he grapples with self-discovery, navigates the treacherous waters of artistic circles, and confronts the absurdity of his own aspirations. "The Torrents of Spring" showcases Hemingway's early brilliance and offers a captivating glimpse into the evolution of his unparalleled style. With its larger-than-life characters and uproarious situations, this novel dares to mock the literary establishment, leaving readers chuckling and pondering the true nature of artistic pursuit. Prepare to be swept away by Hemingway's playful satire, as he dismantles convention and revels in the torrents of laughter and insight that spring forth from his pages.


  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
    • Taille
      481 Ko
    • Protection num.
      Digital Watermarking

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