The Rule of Knowledge - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Scott Baker

Note moyenne 
'Scott Baker is a fantastic new talent!' - Matthew ReillyFaith, history, science and love collide in this fast-paced action adventure. High school teacher... Lire la suite
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'Scott Baker is a fantastic new talent!' - Matthew ReillyFaith, history, science and love collide in this fast-paced action adventure. High school teacher Shaun Strickland is shocked when he receives a last-minute invitation from Cambridge University to deliver a paper on the relationship between space and time, something he has been studying for years. This could be the break he's been longing for.
But as he and his wife drive through the cold North Carolina night to catch their flight, their car slams hard into something exploding from the bushes. From that moment, a mind-bending mystery unravels. A strange package seems to be the key. Breaking the seal, Shaun discovers a bundle of ancient documents written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. But there is something else amongst the pages; a book, seemingly sealed airtight for millennia, written in perfect English, telling a story that will change history.
Soon Shaun discovers others are after the book .


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  • Nb. de pages
    432 pages
  • EAN
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  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
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Biographie de Scott Baker

Born in Yorkshire, England, Scott Baker moved with his parents and older brother to Australia at age three. He has built a career in the film and television industry which has seen him work on everything from 'Dawson's Creek', to 'The Hobbit'. He has also lectured at the Australian National University, and continues to be Apple's 'Master Instructor' for film and TV applications in Australia.

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