The Ravenglass Eye - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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A malevolent power is on the prowl - and it's hungry for death. Edie is a barmaid at The Tup in the small town of Ravenglass. So far, so normal. But when... Lire la suite
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A malevolent power is on the prowl - and it's hungry for death. Edie is a barmaid at The Tup in the small town of Ravenglass. So far, so normal. But when she is caught in a freak earthquake she develops a strange new power - 'The Eye' - which allows her glimpses of other worlds and mysterious events. At first Edie passes her visions off as nightmares, but when a murdered body is found, she realises she has seen this death before - and that her visions are real, after all.
Mankind had better hope that Edie finds a solution to the murders soon, because it's more than just the influence of 'The Eye' that has entered the world. A power far more malevolent has been released, and that power is hungry for death.


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Biographie de Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher is a writer of horror and dark fantasy novels and short fiction. His first three horror novels, The Leaping, The Thing on the Shore and The Ravenglass Eye, were followed by Gleam and Idle Hands, the first two books in The Factory Trilogy, his first fantasy series. His new novel, Witch-Bottle, is a deeply atmospheric modern gothic tale of grief and guilt. He lives in a remote village in Cumbria with his wife and family.

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