The Plated Prisoner Series Tome 3 - E-book - ePub


Edition en anglais

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Raven Kennedy - The Plated Prisoner Series Tome 3 : Gleam.
PERFECT FOR FANS OF SARAH J. MAAS AND JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT'Read this series NOW! I felt like I was in the story watching and holding my breath the entire... Lire la suite
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PERFECT FOR FANS OF SARAH J. MAAS AND JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT'Read this series NOW! I felt like I was in the story watching and holding my breath the entire time' 5***** Reader Review'Sexy and touching all at the same time .


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Biographie de Raven Kennedy

Raven Kennedy is a California girl born and raised, whose love for books pushed her into creating her own worlds. Her debut series was a romcom fantasy about a cupid looking for love. She has since gone on to write in a range of genres, including the adult dark fantasy romance: The Plated Prisoner Series, which has become a #1 international bestseller with over two million books sold worldwide. Whether she makes you laugh or cry, or whether the series is about a cupid or a gold-touched woman living in a castle, she hopes to create characters that readers can root for.
When Raven isn't writing, she's reading or spending time with her husband and daughters. You can connect with Raven on her social media, and visit her website:

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