The Phoenix Succession - The Phoenix Succession, #0 - E-book - ePub

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 Helen Savore - The Phoenix Succession - The Phoenix Succession, #0.
The Phoenix Succession - A Contemporary Continuation of King Arthur's Court The stories Alexandrea tells don't come to life, they already are!Alexandrea's... Lire la suite
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The Phoenix Succession - A Contemporary Continuation of King Arthur's Court The stories Alexandrea tells don't come to life, they already are!Alexandrea's family descends from King Arthur's knights working with Merlin's apprentice to stop Fae from leeching life. They're becoming bolder even becoming visible to Alexandrea's friend Jamie witnessing the deaths they cause in the hospital. Can Alexandrea find the grail to summon the Phoenix in to stop the deaths that plague our world? Merlin knew Arthur would return but at what cost?Jamie discovers his hallucinations are fae spirits stealing life.
He accidentally unlocks a traitor's healing ability who in turn uses it as a sign to prove he is King Arthur returned. Can he stop the impostor Arthur's crusade when the one thing they need is the most sure sign of Arthur's return. to draw the Sword from the Throne. King Arthur has returned. But what does that mean? Arthur wallows in his guilt, but at least Drea gets a chance at a normal life. Too bad she doesn't want it.
Amid their uncertainty rises an old threat. Morgana. Realizing Druids have returned, Morgana vows to find them, and take one for herself.


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Biographie de Helen Savore

Helen Savore writes fantastical worlds filled with a mixture of modern and medieval settings. She explores stories loosely based on Arthurian legends, secretly wishing that King Arthur would return to pull the world from the brink of darkness. An engineer by day, and a gamer when time allows, this paper ninja writes, reads, plays with pen-and-paper RPGs and folds origami. It's not surprising that her stories are filled with unexpected folds and twists that blend seamlessly with reality. Learn more about Helen's stories at right here.
You can also follow her on Twitter @ImaPaperNinja.

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