The Face That Pins You - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

K E Salisbury

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 K E Salisbury - The Face That Pins You.
"What a pageturner.thrilling and suspenseful.when the truth is revealed, it is genuinely jaw dropping." - Emma Robinson, author of USA Today Bestseller... Lire la suite
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"What a pageturner.thrilling and suspenseful.when the truth is revealed, it is genuinely jaw dropping." - Emma Robinson, author of USA Today Bestseller My Husband's DaughterWho is Fionn's mysterious, online double - identical to her in every way, but far more glamorous?And what is the connection with the man in the black coat, whose lurking presence forces Fionn into the arms of the egotistical Josh Gilbert for protection? The more Fionn tries to unravel these mysteries, the more she becomes dangerously enmeshed.
When events take a deadly turn, Josh is the only person Fionn can turn to. His help, however, comes at a cost."One of those rare stories that sticks with you long after you've finished reading; that drives you to go back and reread from the beginning, so you can catch every genius clue you missed the first time!" - Taylorae DeWitt"...addictive in the best way!" Áine Freeman"If you're a fan of suspense that keeps you guessing until the very end, The Face that Pins You is a must-read." Luke (Amazon reviewer)


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