The Cat-Tracker Lady of Asad Alley - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 A.R. Morlan - The Cat-Tracker Lady of Asad Alley.
Thirty feet away, the woman began craning her hooded head first in one direction, then in another, before saying softly, "There you are, " and after she... Lire la suite
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Thirty feet away, the woman began craning her hooded head first in one direction, then in another, before saying softly, "There you are, " and after she spoke, the cats began to ooze from the alley, a wiggling ocean of low-slung bodies, their fur rippling wave-like as they moved in a huge phalanx of long, lean backs, lowered tails, and flattened-eared heads, coming closer and closer to the woman as she went from pan to pan, not leaving food, but merely indicating that the pans were, indeed, there.


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      pas de protection

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