Once Upon a Future - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

A.R. Morlan


Pamela Sargent


George Zebrowski


Darrell Schweitzer


Jean Lorrah

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 A.R. Morlan et  Pamela Sargent - Once Upon a Future.
This collection, the Third  Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction, was originally prepared for publication in 2011, but only the paperback version appeared.... Lire la suite
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This collection, the Third  Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction, was originally prepared for publication in 2011, but only the paperback version appeared. The field has changed a lot since it appeared, but quality writing still finds an audience. Here, then, in a time capsule from more than a decade ago: great tales of speculative fiction, including: BEST OF FOOLS: A SIME~GEN STORY, by Jean Lorrah BEST-LAID PLANS, by William Maltese BOOG'/4 AND THE ENDICARAN KLUGE, by A.
R. Morlan GAME OVER, by Edward R. Morris THE TALISMAN, by Charles Nuetzel SAVING JANE AUSTEN, by Robert Reginald ALL RIGHTS, by Pamela Sargent THE FIRE EGGS, by Darrell Schweitzer THE SKIN TRADE, by Brian Stableford THE SPACE CITY, by Doru Tatar AGENT, by E. C. Tubb THE WATER SCULPTOR, by George Zebrowski


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