Mathematica Plus - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 John Russell Fearn - Mathematica Plus.
John Russell Fearn (1908-1960) was a British author and one of the first British writers to appear in American pulp science fiction magazines. A prolific... Lire la suite
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John Russell Fearn (1908-1960) was a British author and one of the first British writers to appear in American pulp science fiction magazines. A prolific author, he published his novels also as Vargo Statten and with various pseudonyms such as Thornton Ayre, Polton Cross, Geoffrey Armstrong, John Cotton, Dennis Clive, Ephriam Winiki, Astron Del Martia and others."Mathematica Plus' is his sequel to "Mathematica".


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Biographie de John Russell Fearn

John Russell Fearn (1908-1960) was one of the first British authors  to appear in American pulp science fiction magazines. A highly  prolific author, he published under many pseudonyms (including Vargo Statten, Thornton Ayre, Polton Cross, Geoffrey Armstrong, John Cotton, Dennis Clive, Ephriam Winiki, and Astron Del Martia) as well as under his own name.

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