Kitty and the Great Lantern Race - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Paula Harrison et Jenny Lovlie - Kitty and the Great Lantern Race.
Girl by day. Cat by night. Ready for adventure! In the fifth book of this popular chapter book series, Kitty, a little girl with catlike superpowers,... Lire la suite
5,02 € E-book - ePub
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Girl by day. Cat by night. Ready for adventure! In the fifth book of this popular chapter book series, Kitty, a little girl with catlike superpowers, is on a mission to stop a thief from ruining her town's annual lantern parade. With dramatic two-color art on every page and an emphasis on friendship, family, building self-confidence, and bravery, Kitty and the Great Lantern Race is perfect for newly independent readers and fans of Rebecca Elliott's Owl Diaries.
Kitty is proud of the lantern she has crafted for Hallam City's Festival of Light. But just as the parade starts, a series of mysterious burglaries occur in the crowd. Kitty spots a shadowy figure and knows that she must use her catlike superpowers to investigate. Chasing the culprit without the help of her cat crew tests her bravery and superhero skills, but Kitty's determined to track down the thief before the city's festival is ruined.
Kitty and the Great Lantern Race is the fifth book in a chapter book series about Kitty and her superhero adventures. With a charming main character, loads of cats, and striking two-color art on every page, Kitty is the perfect pick for newly independent readers. Includes fun facts about cats!


  • Date de parution
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  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
  • Nb. de pages
    128 pages
  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
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    • Protection num.
      Contenu protégé

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À propos des auteurs

Paula Harrison's years teaching taught her what kids like in stories and how they respond to humor and suspense. Jenny Løvlie is an artist, designer, and bird enthusiast, fascinated by the strong bond between humans and animals.

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