IQ Eroticism - Nought to Ninety Nine - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Ms P

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 Ms P - IQ Eroticism - Nought to Ninety Nine.
A Step by Step guide to using the Body's best sex organ.. the dramatically improve your relationship! 
13,49 € E-book - ePub
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A Step by Step guide to using the Body's best sex organ.. the dramatically improve your relationship! 


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Collection
    Nought to Ninety Nine
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
    • Protection num.
      pas de protection

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Biographie de Ms P

Patricia Maris has assembled an impressive 28-year career dedicated to improving the health, fitness and quality of life of her large group of clients. Her impressive list of credentials includes  Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor, HLC Level III CHEK Practitioner, a Corrective Exercise Specialist, a specialist in Energy and Intuitive Therapy and Life Coach with a focus on Intimacy and Relationships.
 Patricia is a Wellness Strategist.                                                                                                             Over the course of her career, Patricia has witnessed a litany of failures and disappointments in the gym and gained a unique insight into what's really going on with people's lives. She has observed that while many people commence a self-improvement program, some people persist, some find excuses, some drop off altogether and some persist in doing what they have always done, and of course get the same results.
Unfortunately in today's fast-paced world, the high incidence of 'out of balance lives' is having a huge collective impact on society as a whole.

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