Introduction to Coping with Depression - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Overcoming App now available. Depression affects thousands of people in the UK and it can be effectively treated with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Written... Lire la suite
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Overcoming App now available. Depression affects thousands of people in the UK and it can be effectively treated with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Written by experienced practitioners, this introductory booklet explains what depression is and how it makes you feel. It will help the reader to understand their symptoms and is ideal as an immediate coping strategy and as a preliminary to fuller therapy.
How depression develops and what keeps it going. How to spot and challenge thoughts that maintain your depressionProblem solving and balanced thinking.


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À propos des auteurs

Dr Lee Brosan is a consultant psychologist with the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. Over a long career she has been Head of the Psychological Treatment Service, Trust Lead for the Development of Psychological Therapies, Clinical Associate at the MRC Cognitive and Brain Science Unit in Cambridge, a founder member of the Cambridge Clinical Research Centre for Affective Disorders, and Associate Lecturer in the Experimental Psychology Department at Cambridge. Dr Brenda Hogan is a clinical psychologist who previously worked at the Primary Care Psychological Treatment Service in Cambridge.
She has since moved to Vancouver, Canada, where she continues her work in psychological assessment and the provision of brief psychological treatment for anxiety and depression. Brenda and her colleagues have created a pioneering service in primary care based on self-help approaches to help alleviate a range of common psychological problems.

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