Honoured Enemy - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Raymond E. Feist


William Forstchen

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Raymond E. Feist et William Forstchen - Honoured Enemy.
The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebook Freedom at... Lire la suite
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The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebook Freedom at any price? Hartraft's Marauders, a crack band of Kingdom raiders, are a special unit designed to infiltrate and fight behind enemy lines. They are currently heading for a frontier garrison, after a disastrous encounter with the Tsurani. Meanwhile, a Tsurani patrol is sent to support an assault on the same garrison.
Both sides arrive at the same time and discover the garrison has been overrun by a migrating horde of moredhel (dark elves), and they are forced by circumstances to band together and fight as one unit to survive. The only problem is, who do they hate the most - their mutual enemy, or each other? As they make their way across the unknown Northlands to freedom, they have to struggle not only with the elements and their enemies, but also their conscience.
For what is more important - one's life or one's honour? Honoured Enemy is the first book in the Legends of the Riftwar series. It is the first of three co-authored books that return to the world of Feist's best-loved series.


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À propos des auteurs

Raymond E. Feist was born and raised in Southern California. He was educated at the University of California, San Diego, where he graduated with honours in Communication Arts. He is the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed Riftwar Cycle among other books.

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