Hidden Ways - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

C. Holloway Ashwanden

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 C. Holloway Ashwanden - Hidden Ways.
A flash of light through dark, dripping trees, and suddenly you are no longer being held up.  The fragile vehicle you are in begins to break - the sky... Lire la suite
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A flash of light through dark, dripping trees, and suddenly you are no longer being held up.  The fragile vehicle you are in begins to break - the sky falls past you as the rain is illuminated by another blinding flash. Hosha knew he wanted to find the Lost Zones, but he was not prepared for just how lost he would have to get to find them. Now he wants to escape, but how to go about it?  When things just keep going round and round...* * * * * * * * *How do you know that the stranger is different from you?  Is it their skin?  Their eyes?  The way they talk?Vai thought she knew.
A stranger is anyone who does not live in the Village, whose inhabitants have not left for generations.  A stranger is someone who comes from Outside, from another world, someone who must be mistrusted and possibly feared. In Charlotte Holloway Ashwanden's near-future sci-fi adventure, we join two strangers: Hosha, a man with a mission he doesn't understand, and Vai, a restless girl who finds him in the forested world of her home, as they struggle to communicate.
Among the great, rain-dripping trees of a world of endless forest, they begin to discover that perhaps what they knew isn't all there is to know.


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