Emperor. - The gates of Rome - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Iggulden - Emperor. - The gates of Rome.
The ultimate Rome story With an exclusive sneak peek at Conn Iggulden's new novel NERO From the spectacle of gladiatorial combat to the intrigue... Lire la suite
6,99 € E-book - ePub
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The ultimate Rome story With an exclusive sneak peek at Conn Iggulden's new novel NERO From the spectacle of gladiatorial combat to the intrigue of the Senate, from the foreign wars that secure the power of the empire to the betrayals that threaten to tear it apart, this is the remarkable story of the man who would become the greatest Roman of them all: Julius Caesar. In the city of Rome, a titanic power struggle is about to shake the Republic to its core.
Citizen will fight citizen in a bloody conflict - and Julius Caesar, cutting his teeth in battle, will be in the thick of the action. The first instalment in the bestselling Emperor series.


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Biographie de Iggulden

Born in London, Conn Iggulden read English at London University and worked as a teacher for seven years before becoming a full-time writer. He lives in Hertfordshire with his wife and their children.

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